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بث مباشر


 عملاق المونتاج Adobe Premiere Professional 2.0

اذهب الى الأسفل 
4 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
Melody To Leave
كبار الشخصيات
Melody To Leave

الـجــــــنــــس : ذكر
عدد المشاركـات : 1118
المزاج : عملاق المونتاج Adobe Premiere Professional 2.0 310

عملاق المونتاج Adobe Premiere Professional 2.0 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: عملاق المونتاج Adobe Premiere Professional 2.0   عملاق المونتاج Adobe Premiere Professional 2.0 I_icon_minitimeالسبت أكتوبر 25, 2008 11:42 pm

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

اخيرا صدر الاصدار الاخير من عملاق تحرير
الصوتيات والمونتاج من الشركة الاولى فى العالم

عملاق المونتاج Adobe Premiere Professional 2.0 Adobe20logome9

Adobe Premiere Professional 2.0

عملاق المونتاج Adobe Premiere Professional 2.0 00282314
اصدار سنة 2008

وصف بسيط للبرنامج :

البرنامج من افضل برامج عمل المونتاج و الدوبلاج و إضافة
بعض الخدع على بعض المشاهد مثل البرق و تغيير الالوان و الدمج
و الاختفاء وتستطيع بهذا البرنامج تقسيم ملفات الفيديو والتعامل معها
بكل سهولة والبرنامج سهل جدا فى الاستعمال ويتميز بالسهولة

عملاق المونتاج Adobe Premiere Professional 2.0 0_premierepro_interface

وصف البرنامج من الموقع الرسمى :

Real-time editing for HD, SD, and DV! Make every frame count with Adobe® Premiere® Pro 2.0 software, the essential tool for professional video editing. Capture and edit virtually any format, from DV to uncompressed HD, and output to tape, DVD, and the web. Providing unparalleled integration with other Adobe applications, Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 sets new standards for efficient digital filmmaking. Adobe® Premiere® Pro 2.0 software gives you more power to express your creativity. With unparalleled Adobe application integration, revolutionary Adobe Clip Notes, and enhanced HD tools, Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 sets new standards for digital filmmaking.

Edit everything:

- Native HDV editing. Capture and edit HDV in its original format with no conversion or quality loss. Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 works with popular HDV-format cameras and VTRs.

- Native SD and HD support. Capture, edit, and deliver full-resolution SD or HD using native support for the Xena HS real-time encoding card from AJA Video.

- Comprehensive VTR support. Control video decks through RS-422 and RS-232 serial protocols or FireWire for precise batch capturing, recapturing, and insert editing.

- Feet + Frames timecode. Display timecode for 16mm and 35mm film as standard Feet + Frames nomenclature.

- 16:9 preview to 4:3. Preview widescreen footage on a 4:3 monitor or lay off to a 4:3 tape or DVD with real-time letterboxing. Ensure that your 16:9 material looks right during playback.

- Digital intermediate workflow. Capture and edit HD or up to 4K scanned files, consolidate and manage projects, and work efficiently with Adobe After Effects® and Photoshop® software.

- Support for 4,096x4,096 frames. Import, edit, and output 4K image sequences with dimensions up to 4,096x4,096 pixels.

Exercise your creativity:

- Multicam editing. Edit multiple-camera shoots quickly and easily. View multiple video tracks from a multicam shoot, and edit by switching between tracks in real time. Easily sync clips based on source timecode.

- Enhanced color-correction tools. Take advantage of new color-correction tools, each optimized for specific tasks. Fast color correction allows for quick and easy adjustments, while secondary color-correction tools allow you to make more selective modifications for a professional finish.

- 10-bit and 16-bit color resolution support. Maintain source integrity with support for 10-bit video and 16-bit PSD files.

- 32-bit internal color processing. Maintain maximum image quality with subtle and dramatic changes to color, contrast, and exposure, free of the banding and artifacts caused by lower bit-depth processing.

- GPU-accelerated rendering. Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 automatically adjusts to take full advantage of the power of your graphics card, accelerating the preview and rendering of motion, opacity, color, and image distortion effects.

- Advanced subclip creation and editing. Break master clips into smaller subclips for more flexible editing. Trim, apply effects, rename, and otherwise treat subclips like any other video clip.

- Adobe Bridge. Browse, organize, and preview files, and then drag and drop what you need from Adobe Bridge. Search by or edit XMP metadata such as keywords, language, and format.

- Animated track-matte workflow. Easily create traveling mattes by applying effects and animation to individual track-matte clips.

- Lighting effects filter. Add a spot, directional, or omni light to your video footage. Create multiple lights to see different looks on different parts of a scene.

- Scrolling timeline. Set the timeline to scroll smoothly under a stationary indicator during playback, or adjust it to advance one page as the playback indicator reaches the edge of the window.

عملاق المونتاج Adobe Premiere Professional 2.0 Fantasy2

التحميل :

حمل من هنا

الكراك فى المرفقات
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
المشرف العـــام

الـجــــــنــــس : ذكر
عدد المشاركـات : 2770
الدولة : عملاق المونتاج Adobe Premiere Professional 2.0 Ymany10
المزاج : عملاق المونتاج Adobe Premiere Professional 2.0 Yragb11

عملاق المونتاج Adobe Premiere Professional 2.0 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: عملاق المونتاج Adobe Premiere Professional 2.0   عملاق المونتاج Adobe Premiere Professional 2.0 I_icon_minitimeالأحد أكتوبر 26, 2008 12:06 am

جااااري التحميل

بارك الله فيك والى الامام
اخي هيثم
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
ابو سام
ابو سام

الـجــــــنــــس : ذكر
الـ ـع ــــــمــــــــر : 44
عدد المشاركـات : 642
الدولة : عملاق المونتاج Adobe Premiere Professional 2.0 Ymany10

عملاق المونتاج Adobe Premiere Professional 2.0 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: عملاق المونتاج Adobe Premiere Professional 2.0   عملاق المونتاج Adobe Premiere Professional 2.0 I_icon_minitimeالأحد أكتوبر 26, 2008 1:26 pm

بورك فيك جاري التحميل
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
شداد العشملي
المدير العام
شداد العشملي

الـجــــــنــــس : ذكر
الـ ـع ــــــمــــــــر : 43
عدد المشاركـات : 5424
الدولة : عملاق المونتاج Adobe Premiere Professional 2.0 Ymany10
المزاج : عملاق المونتاج Adobe Premiere Professional 2.0 2210

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: عملاق المونتاج Adobe Premiere Professional 2.0   عملاق المونتاج Adobe Premiere Professional 2.0 I_icon_minitimeالثلاثاء أبريل 13, 2010 8:10 am

ارجوا تنزيل الكراك
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عملاق المونتاج Adobe Premiere Professional 2.0
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
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